west wind gymnastics club
Registration for Weekly & Monthly Summer Camp will open at the end of March 2024! Single Day Camp Registration will open in June. Please note our camps will start July 8th and run until August 23rd. There will not be camps offered the first week of July or the last week in August.
Both Summer Fun Camps and Skill Clinics will offer gymnastics instruction, but Fun Camps will also incorporate park trips, pool afternoons, crafts and games.
Week long camps will run from 9AM-4PM, but drop off is 8AM-9AM and pick up is 4PM-5PM at no additional cost. Camps will include:
- A minimum of 3 hours of gymnastics per day
- Pool Trips – Tues & Thurs afternoons (weather permitting-pick up is at the pool)
- Park Trips – Monday & Wednesday Mornings (weather permitting)
- Themed Crafts
- Freezie Fridays
Skill Clinics are shorter, intensive workshops which your athlete will hopefully gain new skills and improve existing ones. Skill Clinics will have a snack break and a few games to give the athletes breaks, but will not have crafts or excursions.
Please note that the AGF Annual Fee of $55 renews July 1st and this is a one time mandatory fee that can also be transferred to any gym in Alberta. Camp prices do not include this AGF Fee.
Full Month Camp Promotion
•Sign up for ALL of July for Just $700. (First day of camp is July 8th)
Sign up for all 3 weeks of August for $525. (Last day of camp is Aug. 23)
• Sign up for a full month of half days (either 9-12am or 1-4pm) for $400 for July and $300 for August.
• Pre & Post Care Included (8-9am & 4-5pm)
• Prices do not include the annual AGF Fee of $55.
An entire week of fun for just $229.
• We will go to the Senator Buchancan park 2 times per week in the mornings, and walk to WestMinster Pool 1-2 afternoons per week, weather dependent.
• Prices do not include the annual AGF Fee of $55.
• Sign up for just half days for an entire week for $125.
• AM camps run from 9-12 and PM camps run from 1-4.
• Pre & Post Care Included (8-9am & 4-5pm)
• AM camps will go to the park when it is cooler, and PM camps will attend the pool.
• Price does not include $55 AGF Fee.
• Join us for a fun-filled day at camp for $49
• Our Full Day Camps run from 9AM – 4PM and include pre and post care from 8-9AM and 4-5PM.
• Our campers get to enjoy the park in the morning and the pool in the afternoon to beat the heat.
• Sign up now for only $49, and please note price does NOT include the annual AGF Fee of $55.