West Wind Gymnastics Club
wwgc’s competitive program structure

What is Xcel Team?
The Xcel Team is ideal for gymnasts who have a passion for the sport and are looking for the competitive experience with less of a training time commitment. Xcel allows the gymnast flexibility in skills and routine construction. Our Xcel team competes regionally with competitions close to Lethbridge (ie: Calgary area, Olds, Medicine Hat). The programs offers five different levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Our Xcel Team athletes train between 4-12 hours per week.

What is Provincial Team?
The Provincial Team contains two streams: Compulsory (Levels 1-5) and Optional (Levels 6-10). The athletes in the Compulsory levels master and compete mandatory skills and routines with the goal of building and developing strong basics that will provide the stepping stones to the higher levels in the future. The athletes in the Optional levels compete personalized routines building upon the difficulty taught throughout the Compulsory levels. Our Provincial team competes throughout Alberta and Western Canada. This program is perfect for athletes who “eat, sleep, and breathe” gymnastics! Our Provincial Team athletes train between 4-20 hours per week.
What four events do they compete?
- Vault: Gymnasts fly through the air executing precise twists and somersaults over a table shaped structure.
- Uneven Bars: Gymnasts perform continuous movement between two raised bars of uneven height resulting in a series of swings, twists, somersaults and handstands.
- Balance Beam: Rhythmic and fluid, dance and acrobatic movements are performed across the length of a 4-inch wide beam.
- Floor: Creative dance elements and tumbling maneuvers performed to music utilize the entire floor space.
Are we required to fundraise or volunteer?
Yes! We require our team families to volunteer at bingos, hosted events, and participate in our fundraisers. The number of bingos you are required to do are based on the number of hours per week your child trains. You can expect to be responsible for 2-4 bingo shifts. The money generated from bingos, hosted events, and fundraisers goes to offset and reduce training fees and travel costs to send their coach to competitions.
Why is the AGF Fee higher for competitive?
The Alberta Gymnastics Federation charges an annual membership and insurance fee. The insurance portion of the fee increases in competitive because the number of training hours they participate increases as well as the difficultly and risk of the skills they are performing. The membership portion also increases because of the number of activities and competitions they attend that utilize more resources from AGF to host.
My child’s hands hurt from bars, where can I get grips?
Grips do not prevent rips or reduce hand soreness. Grips actually increase the amount of friction on the bars and their hands because they have to hold on tighter due to the piece of extra thick fabric. If your child’s hands are sore from bars then we recommend some good hand maintenance! Make sure large calluses are filed down, limit the amount of time hands spend in water (ie: swimming pools and hot tubs), and avoid over use of lotion. In the Xcel program, athletes are eligible to wear grips once they have reached the Gold level and are learning long hang swings. In the Provincial program, athletes are eligible to wear grips once they have reached Level 4 and have mastered their glide kip.
What does my child need to wear to practice?
A one piece leotard is required for practice. Tight fitting shorts are optional to wear over top. Leggings and two piece outfits are not permitted due to safety. It is important to us to keep your child safe and these items cause issues when coaches need to spot your athlete and can get caught when performing some bars elements.